Our day with Arthur, the tiny octopus

On Friday, we discovered our first stowaway or pet or capture  — hard to say.

During routine cleaning of our sea strainer, Pete found the usual seaweed detritus plus the tiniest octopus we’d ever seen.

We put him in seawater in a hummus container. Tony named him Arthur. We kept him on the salon table for a day (we were at anchor the whole day). He changed color from reddish to clear depending on what background we placed him on.

At 4:47 pm, Pete returned Arthur to the sea — he swam off fast, off to become a bigger octopus. Goodbye Arthur and good luck.

Here is Arthur stretched out nervously at the bottom of the container, with a little of seaweed from the strainer.



Here is Arthur next to a penny so you can get an idea of his size.

4 thoughts on “Our day with Arthur, the tiny octopus

  1. Arthur was super cute. He could have made it in the movies…but growing up in a hummus container would undoutedly be too big a price to pay. Have a good life Arthur.

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